Android Security Bulletin—October 2023 (Средства Связи)

написал Limping ⌂, 2023-10-03, 21:54 (354 дней назад)

октябрский патч безопасности у Android, включает исправления для 54 уязвимостей, включая две (CVE-2023-4863 — все еще libwep, и CVE-2023-4211) в ограниченной, таргетированной эксплуатации, по словам Google.

Note: There are indications that the following may be under limited, targeted exploitation.

Android partners are notified of all issues at least a month before publication. Source code patches for these issues will be released to the Android Open Source Project (AOSP) repository in the next 48 hours. We will revise this bulletin with the AOSP links when they are available.